Perhaps this is not the best day to be writing my update since I don't seem to be making much sense in my own head. People are asking how I am feeling and I find it so difficult to describe exactly what treatment is like.
Have you ever stood up too quickly and felt all the blood rush to your head and it seemed as though your mind was moving quickly, but your body was in slow motion? That's basically how I have felt the last 24 hours. Such a weird feeling! My little body just can't keep up with my active mind and that is a frustrating thing for me to try and deal with. I don't like to be slowed down. (Just ask my parents and brother how irritated I was yesterday that my body was not working the way I wanted it to. I was one grumpy girl!)
Despite my strange slow-motion-robot feeling, I am back at work today! My co-workers have been getting me lunch, etc. since my little legs shake when I stand up. (Oh my ... I am not going to be able to deal with getting old.) I am really sensitive to smells, so a couple of times I have had waves of nausea, but nothing lasting more than ten seconds. All in all, I have been doing surprisingly well for the kickoff chemotherapy treatment.
Besides the obvious fatigue and weakness, my bones ache from the shot I had to give myself in the stomach the day after treatment. Apparently, the injection stimulates the bone marrow to create more white blood cells and that can cause pain in the sternum, hips and thigh bones. Nothing a little Tylenol can't fix! The inside of my mouth is peeling along with my lips, which is an annoyance, but certainly nothing I cannot handle. I just hate when things don't taste right. My gassy, acidic tummy seems to be back on track with a little Zantec to help it out. The doctor said that was normal for someone with IBS like I have. As long as I have food in my tummy, I feel fine.
My only concern today is that I have a sore throat which according to my oncologist is not a side effect of the medications. I have been asked to take my temperature periodically throughout the day and keep up the fluids. They are afraid this may be the onset of the flu. Let's hope not! If I do get a temperature, then off to the hospital I go. BLAH!
I just wanted to let you all know that I am OK and just plugging along as best I can. I appreciate all the prayers, warm thoughts, love and support being sent to me and my family. This is obviously not just a hard thing for me to deal with, but for my entire family to battle along side me. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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