"You know when you fart in the bathtub …" I asked Melanie (the head doctor at my oncologist's office). She was trying so hard not to laugh as my dad smirked and rolled his eyes. "… that's the feeling I have in my knees and ankles." Melanie said, "Hmm, well, that's not good."
I met with Melanie this Friday during my weekly Herceptin treatment. I always have to meet with my oncologist, Dr. Heyer or Melanie the week following my chemotherapy to report back my side effects, how I am feeling and any changes in my reactions.
I explained how different this round was and that the side effects came later in the week lasted a shorter amount of time. I also have had pretty severe nausea the past two rounds, which I previously never had. Although I have never thrown up, it certainly makes me not want to eat. Melanie explained that the chemo builds up in the body and it could be just now that my body is saying "NOOOOOOOO!" and getting nauseous. As long as it can be managed with medication, the show goes on. So basically, I just have to suck it up and deal with it. The "farting" knees and ankles however is fluid building up in my joints due to the Taxotere (one of the ingredients in my chemo recipe). Not fun! Melanie asked me to watch this and report back if it did not subside or grew worse.
Surprisingly, my blood work came back and was worse than usual. The white blood cells (immunity) were in a good range; however, my red blood cells had dropped considerably. They were already low, meaning that I am anemic, but now I am even worse. They said they would check it again next Friday in hopes it had improved, but the only number they really care about is the white blood count. I never understood how people with anemia feel, but basically my organs are not getting the oxygen they need and it makes me feel wiped out. Ugggh!
I FINALLY HAVE A TIMELINE!!! I am so excited! Once chemo is over on May 30, I will have my PETscan on 6/16, meet with Dr. Heyer to review my PETscan on 6/19 or 6/20, then have my appointments with my surgeon, Dr. Mason, and the plastic surgeon around 6/23. Melanie said surgery can happen within days of that meeting … it is just up to the surgeons. YAY! Looks like June is going to be a super busy month, but I am ready for it. I cannot wait to get my new boobs. I just want all of this to be over so I can move on with my life and take a much needed vacation.
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